Bahasa Melayu

Retired Israeli general explains governments contact with extraterrestrials

Baca Lebih Lanjut

The former Director of Space Programs at the Israel Ministry of Defense, Retired Brigadier General Haim Eshed, has revealed during a media interview that the governments of the United States and Israel have spoken with members of a Galactic Federation of extraterrestrial beings for years.

He noted that the Federation did not want humanity at large to know about them up to now, saying that people were not ready. Brigadier General Eshed also stated that the visitors are conducting explorative experiments on Earth, but there is no reason to fear them.

Former Canadian Minister of National Defense, His Excellency Paul Hellyer, has likewise confirmed extraterrestrials’ contact with governments. Our appreciation, Brigadier General Haim Eshed and Your Excellency Paul Hellyer, for courageously opening our eyes to our galactic neighborhood.

We pray that humanity will soon become more civilized and ready to be part of peaceful galactic relations.